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tv   For the Record With Greta  MSNBC  April 17, 2017 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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and national bat appreciation day because april is apparently when bats start to emerge from hibernation. it's malbc world today, you can celebrate the wine tomorrow, too, we won't judge. that's it for me. i will go get batty with an malbec and bag of cheeseballs. >> a nationwide manhunt is on for a cold-blooded killer that executed a 74-year-old man in daylight and posted that video on facebook. there is now a $50,000 arrest reward for steve stephens and police made a plea directly to him. >> steve, if you're out there listening, call someone, whether a friend or family member or pastor. give them a call because they're waiting on you to call them. >> as we speak the fbi and u.s.
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marshals in five states are hunting for stephens after he allegedly stalked this innocent 74-year-old grandfather and forced him to say the name of a woman and killed him and posted it on facebook. a warning, this video is disturbing. >> i'm finding somebody i'm about to kill. i will kill this guy right here, this old dude. can you do me a favor. can you say -- [ bleep ] yeah. she's the reason why this is about to happen to you. >> i don't know nobody by -- >> the intense manhunt under way from indiana to new york state. police say stephens may be in this car with ohio tags. we learned the police actually talked to the suspect after the murder. >> early in this investigation we did have contact with him, direct contact with our detectives. they tried to convince him to turn himself in. that hasn't happened to date.
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we talked to him via cell phone. >> police also briefly talked about the woman mentioned in the facebook video. >> we don't know if she's a girlfriend or not, but there are several people in this investigation we've talked to including the female that was mentioned and they all cooperated so far. >> where is she now? >> we can't tell you where she's at but she's safe. >> it's unthinkable but stephens bragged about committing other murders. no evidence of other murders. this is a fact, stephens is armed and dangerous. investigators are confident they will get him. will it be before he kills again. his iividual is armed and dangerous and quite frankly at this point, he could be a lot of places. he could be nearby, he could be far away, anywhere in between. >> we will make this individual's world very very very small. >> nbc's ron allen is live outside cleveland city hall and ted williams lawyer and former homicide detective here in washington.
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first to you, ron. tell me the facts of this murder. >> the facts of the murder are it happened easter sunday afternoon. the suspect, steve stephens apparently got out of his car and taunted this man, mr. godwin and apparently shot him point-blank. the video was then uploaded to facebook and after that a live confession happened on facebook. facebook went through some detail a little while ago how long it took them to take this account down because they faced some criticism about that. essentially, it took about an hour and 45 minutes. they say it took 23 minutes from the time they were first notified. that in fact the murder had happened. they say they are working on their reporting processes and basically relying on thousands of people around the world looking at millions of uploads and pieces of postings every week. it's a very difficult job.
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to the issue here, what's striking is that in the press conference the police seemed to indicate they really don't have a clue where this individual is. it's been over 24 hours now. there was some reportering earlier today, the -- reporting earlier today the philadelphia police got 911 sightings and that turned out to be a false lead and he might have been in erie, pennsylvania where his cell phone pinged and that wasn't the case. there have been a couple things along the way but nothing substantive. that's why they're making a forceful plea to neighbors and friends and relatives to turn this individual in. he can't disappear off the face of the earth. there is no indication he tried to rent a car tore used his credit card. they're looking at electronic transactions. it's an extensive manhunt and they describe it as a nationwide
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manhunt even though they're focused on the states near here and he could be anywhere in the country and why he's posted on the 10 most wanted list. and the resouthward is $50,000. he has not been linked to any other murders. he said on facebook he has killed 15 other people but that's not true and the police searched and could not find any victims related to any bodies. the one man, mr. godwin, 44-year-old grandfather. we hope to hear from his family and they're trying to work out relationships and grieving trying to figure out how this happened. there seemed to be no relationship between the victim and the shooter. it appears to be a random thing. stephens explained it had something to do with his girlfriend, joy lane. one of our producers in the neighborhood outside cleveland was able to determine by talking to some neighbors they seemed to be a couple living together the past several months, described
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as quiet and you heard the police say she was in a safe place now and friends and neighbors are cooperating. that's where we are, a dead-end at this point. >> ted, as a former homicide detective, you investigated this case. if anyone is listening on satellite radio keep years for a white ford fusion, e 363630, temporary ohio tag. don't approach this man. he's armed and dangerous. >> absolutely. this is such a horrific senseless cold-blooded killing. what law enforcement now is trying to put together a puzzle. what they're trying to determine is who his friends are, h rifts. they're trying to make a determination whether any of those people are sheltering him or whether he's been in contact with them. >> if he's on the run he needs money. he has to eat and get money. anyone who gives him money is part of this crime or aids and helps him knowing he did this is part of this crime. >> absolutely.
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it's like a needle in a haystack. we know he was in a white toyota cam camry. >> i thought ford fusion. >> sorry. ford fusion. and they're looking for that automobile right now. >> he could have ditched it. >> he very well could have. the big question i heard ron mention it, they're trying to determine if he's a serial killer. that's very significant in this investigation. >> in the press conference the police said they had contact with him after the murder. what was the contact and how did they happen to have contact with him? >> apparently they contacted him by phone, as they describe it, early in the investigation. i assume that would mean sometime sunday afternoon evening because the murder happened at 2:00 in the afternoon. they didn't give a lot of detail about it and said his last location known to them is the murder scene, nowhere else. they don't know where he could have gone. the other thing is fascinating
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he had a lot of ties to this community and had a relatively stable job. that work side closed down today and they were concerned about whether this has something to do with employees at their facility. it's not like he's some guy who doesn't have a history here. he's known, he has family and has friends apparently and fraternity brothers who have come out and talked about him. he's a college graduate we understand. that's what's amazing and baffling about this that an individual with so many ties could just disappear. >> this murder, broad daylight in cleveland, 74-year-old grandfather walking down the street and this evil man ce up and killed him. >> easter sunday, a 74-year-old grandfather walking down the street, minding his own business, to be shot by this man and while he's filming it he's actually talking to his girlfriend. on the final end he says something in a profanity, that mf is dead because of you, meaning the girlfriend. this is something he put out there. >> a reminder to viewers or
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listeners on radio, this man is armed and dangerous, a nationwide manhunt. he is suspected in a murder. suspected i use loosely because he put it on facebook he did this. ron and ted, thank you. as ron mentioned a couple moments ago facebook put it online showing the account was active two hours after the shooting video was posted. facebook said we ary viewing our reporting flows to be sure people can report videos and other material that violates our standards as easily and quickly as possible. we know we need to do better. let's not forget the victim of this heinous crime, robert godwin sr., 74 years old. retired foundry worker. friends and family describe him as a good, generous and selfless man. his son spoke to reporters earlier today about his father. >> he's a good guy.
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i mean, he'd give you the shirt off his back. i'm not just saying that for these cameras. >> mr. godwin was quiet, always respectful. he enjoyed spending his retirement with his family and frequently went out fishing. he leaves behind nine children and 14 grandchildren. now, to a not so sweet home coming for many republicans, some are taking heat at local town halls. moments ago, senator tom cotton in his state of arkansas. >> as far as i'm aware the president says he's still under audit and -- if you don't, i think it's time to repeal and replace you in 2020. >> i'm just curious why as a farmer and as a woman and person on the lb "gq" spectrum you continue to vote against everything that is in my personal interest.
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>> on all of the things he is delivering results. i would say -- >> i want to congratulate you and senator boozman. i think you read the art of the deal because you got more contributions from the telecommunications industry. therefore, you sold us out when you canceled the scc regulation that insured my privacy, keeping my isp from selling my browsing history. >> business activities. >> do your job! do your job! >> bill crystal founder and editor of the weekly standard. nice to see you. >> good to see you. >> republicans are getting an earful going home to these town halls. >> i talked to tom cotton about an hour ago, curious how that went. he said i'm happy to have done it. he learned something from some of his constituents and a lot of it were democrats who would
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never work for him in the first place making arguments they wanted to make. that's fine, a free country. he said, i did it with congressman hill and they did it together. he's done three town halls. >> he's taken a beating at the others and stands up and talks to his constituents. >> i think voters prefer that. you still have the votes. if the votes will ultimately do you in voting for votes people won't like in 2018 or 2020, the votes will be used in the advertisements against you. defend yourself and make your case. >> 2018, is it too soon to decide whether republicans will take a beating or not? >> it's never too early. history is pretty suggestive, when a new president comes in and party controls, there are disappointed voters who thought they might get more. clinton took a big victory in '92 and got clobbered in '94 and obama lost the house in 2010. trump had a much lesser victory
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with a republican congress. i think they're at great risk. there's been much too much complacency among republicans thinking the house is gerrymandered or the playing field in the senate is good, if you get a wave against you does happen in the first year election, does happen often you could be in trouble. >> what happened with them? they didn't pass healthcare. >> they couldn't pass healthcare and looks like they're pulling the tax reform bill back and not saying they will get it done by august and that takes away short term accomplishments. they could have done more to get smaller things done. president obama did that in 2009, pay equity bill, expansion of the children's healthcare plan. obamacare took 15 months and those got republican votes. if you were a democratic congressman they ultimately were in trouble and these things don't matter as much as we think in the short term, they were able to go home and said we did some things. president obama is saying, i'm
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trying to be bipartisan. i think trump did something i'm surprised by -- not a big fan -- he's sick of politics as usual. he does agree with democrats. >> he's pulling back on nafta. >> why attacking democrats all the time on twitter and elsewhere. his rhetoric is the most partisan republican rhetoric blasting democrats all the time. i think that's foolish. there are some democrats out there swing voters who would like it if he reached across the aisle. someone like me would be worried about the policies but from a political point -- >> how is speaker ryan doing? >> i saw his numbers are worse than donald trump's. isn't that amazing? paul ryan i like and respect a lot the golden hope of the republican party. if you had told me trump would win and ryan would do his thing and ryan's disapproval approval would have been worse than trump i would have been shocked. i think that's a warning sign.
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>> and is this elizabeth warren and senator bernie sanders? >> a little bit. the truth is -- interesting to think about the future of the democratic party, all they have to do is oppose donald trump and oppose the republican congress and hope there's a big swing against them for 2018. again, the lesson of obama you can win a big congressional victory in 2010 and still lose the presidential election in 2012. you need a positive agenda for the presidential election. >> not enough just to be against? >> no. not in the presidential election. you can say give us the majority in the house. all you have to say is we will stop donald trump from doing these horrible things. off years election you can be fine with oppositional agenda, presidential election you need a positive agenda. >> thank you. >> thanks. >> president trump telling north korea they have to behave. what if they do not behave? what is the foreign policy strategy other than this campaign promise.
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>> i would bomb the -- out of them. i would just bomb those suckers. >> i'm going to bomb the -- out of them. it's true. i don't care. >> we've got to knock the -- out of these people. we've got to do it. also, is this democrat about to shack the gop establishment and show what is ahead for republicans in trump era? we're live in atlanta just before the vote in a critical special election. plus, what i learned from my trip to iraq, i was there this weekend. i saw the victims of isis. not only will i tell you, i will show you.
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moment on the peninsula and oppose the security. >> telling bbc a "all-out war" will be coming if the u.s. decides to use military force. president trump was asked today about what our next move will be. this coming just after north korea showed off its weaponry with a military parade and tested a missile that failed almost immediately. vice president pence in south korea at the demilitarized zone just steps away from north korea's border. >> all options are on the tabl . as we continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of south korea, the united states of america, people of south korea allies across the region are resolved to achieve our
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objectives through feasible means or ultimately by whatever means are necessary. >> with me former chief of staff and bob scales, the author of scales on war, the future of america's military at risk. first, to you general, do you think it's likely we will be going to war with north korea? >> no. the north koreans have been talking about this for 70 years. when i was first assigned to north korea in 1976, the koreans were constantly badgering us of the dmz, we're coming south, be prepared for us. after a while you get tone deaf to this. here they are again. the ppaganda was unending in the '70s and only gotten worse over the years. no, we're not going to war any time soon. >> colonel, they say they're testing missiles weekly and i don't know where they will get the cash from that.
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they have no money and the people are starving and the only money is from china and if china shuts off that spigot, where will they get the money for the missiles? >> that's correct, my first shot was in 1977. i agree with everything the general said. i would point out the high stakes poker pence and trump and rex tillerson seem to be playing the policy of strategic patience somewhat concerns me. i understand they may be seeking leverage for talks that might come up. this is not a group to play high stakes poker in that sense. strategic patience has kept war from that peninsula for 64 years. that's a pretty good success story. i'd like to see that success continue. >> the only thing that concerns me is north korea has been inching in one direction only. they have been testing missiles
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and had five nuclear tests so far. kim jong-un is so prideful in such a bad way to want to show off and beat the big bad americans, a part of me wonders if maybe this is escalating. >> well, it could be. i think one of the things bill perry said today and he's really knowledgeable about the peninsula and coming very close to war in '94 when he was there. i did the exercises with bill last time we were in korea together. he said it's absurd to think of this state as being irrational. it is a very rational state. yes, it plays brinksmanship and high stake poker. it will not start something we will finish. i will guarantee you and we finish it, there will be no pyongyang left. we need to get to talking again
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and talks like in my administration, vice president cheney tying jim kelly's hands we couldn't talk to our north korean counterparts and had to talk through the chinese. we need to talk directly to our north korean counterpoints and bring up this. there's no way he's going to give up his nuclear weapons but can make them less threatening. >> i disagree. i don't think we should talk to the north koreans at all. their whole regime is to shake down the west to gain advantage over us. i said to you before on your show, my fear is not the nuclear weapons, my fear. >> the artillery. >> the conventional weapons. if he is dumb enough to start dropping artillery on seoul. not only will pyongyang disappear, millions of koreans will be put at risk. this is serious business and the nuclear threat is maybe four or
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five years down the road. the conventional threat from this guy who is completely insane is here and now. that's the great danger. >> colonel, when i was there. >> i don't disagree with that at all. i don't think it leads you to the same conclusion, what do we do? do we start military action ourselves in which case seoul will suffer greatly? we keep forgetting we have an ally on that peninsula. we have the republic of korea, a good ally, a firm ally and we don't need to think so much about us right now as we do about them and what the impact on them might be. >> interesting, they have a new acting president in south korea who is not as conservative as the former president who is in big trouble. he's more interested in talking to north korea. >> he's willing to talk and reopen the six party talks. it is a good thing. there is no military solution in the peninsula. it would be armageddon on both sides, makes no sense. >> i hope both of you are right.
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one thing that sits in the back of my mind, we're not dealing with someone that think like we do. i don't see him having a survival -- he may have a personal survival interest but not so sure for his people. >> he's not his grandfather. just before a high profile election in georgia, president trump goes on attack. is he worried about a possible wave coming and new wave of anger over the president trump's tax returns. a rough crowd at a gop town hall.
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the eyes of the political world all on georgia in a test for president trump's republican party. tom price's red seat in the sixth congressional district is up for grabs. this is a special election with national implications. 30-year-old democrat is leading but needs 50% of the vote to avoid a runoff in june.
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the young democrat has tried to make the race about president trump. >> when president trump embarrasses our country or acts recklessly, i'll hold him accountable. >> donald trump doesn't represent our values. that's why i'm supporting jon. >> president trump tweeting today fighting right back calling the democratic candidate to super liberal democrat who wants to protect criminals, illegal immigration and raise taxes. an expert on georgia politics. nice to see you, jim. tell me what are the odds look like for the republicans and democrats going into tomorrow's vote? >> i would say we're probably headed toward a june 20 runoff. ossoff finally hit the 45% mark in a single poll late last week. i don't ink the weekend was enough for him to push bond that 50% barrier. i think the real race is for that second berth among the republicans. >> how much is an anti-trump
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vote in a really strong republican district, but i assume there are democrats there, how strong is that to get out the passionate vote others to come out and vote for ossoff. >> look, all the passion is on that side. the republicans have had a hard time. you've had quite a few super pacs and even the congressional leadership fund dip into this race with nothing but attack adds attacking jon ossoff because they can't support any republican in the race and haven't done what the democrats have done. even though they're attacking him they're also raising his name id. that kind of momentum builds on itself. >> how solid is this district republican? i know this was former speaker of the house, newt gingrich's district. is it historically going back decades? is this a republican seat? >> in 1978 is when newt won it
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and took it away from jack flint the democrat. normally it originated on the south side of metro atlanta and been over the years was pushed up north. it is affluent, very well-heeled, very well educated. you're republicans, this isn't the brand of conservativism donald trump won on. he just barely squeaked through with 48% of the vote in this district to hillary clinton's 47%. >> if neither -- if no republican candidate gets 50% and ossoff, the sole democrat, doesn't get 50% there will be a june 20th runoff. assuming there is a runoff and this is june 19th, you and i are having this conversation, who's going to win? the republican or democrat? >> you'd have to favor the republican, if they can reunite. i think every effort will be made to do that.
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look, this is still -- we don't know what president trump is going to be doing in june. a lot, as your segment on north korea just showed, a lot can happen between now and june to changing the dynamics of this race. >> i suspect that on june 19th you and i will be talking again. i hope you join us. >> i plan to, thanks. >> angry crowds at gop town halls demanding president trump release his tax returns. we will show you the tape. new revelations about the death of music icon, prince, pills found at the estate raising new questions about possible criminal charges. go ahead, spoil yourself. the es and es hybrid. experience amazing.
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experience the lexus rx with advanced safety standard. experience amazing. i'm wondering if you'll take the initiative to have him release those returns so we can see what connections he has with countries around the world. >> as far as i'm aware the president says he's still under audit. >> republican senator, tom cotton, getting an earful from voters today. they were angry about president
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trump and his refusal to release his tax returns. protesters were calling up president trump to release his taxes. the president responded by tweeting someone should look into who paid for the small organized rallies yesterday. the election is over. press secretary sean spicer talking about not releasing the logs who's coming and going into the white house. >> is it time to say once and for all the president is never going to release his tax returns? >> i have to get back to you on that. >> on both the taxes and visitor logs there are now ethics experts on both sides of the aisle who say this is the least transparent administration in decades. >> i would respectfully disagree with that. >> in 2012, mr. trump was attacking bo saying why is he spending millions to try and hid his records. he is the least apparent president ever and he ran on
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transparency. >> kevin, i guess his response would be he didn't run on transparency, i don't think. >> well, i think that -- wasn't that a good answer? >> he's going to have to continue to face questions about these tax returns. it does remind me of hillary clinton and the paid speeches, at some point there will be an insurmountable amount of pressure or these visitor logs an equal measure of transparency that will continue to dog this transparency. >> he's in such a grudge match over them. i don't think if there's nothing in them he won't release them. >> he's not going to release them. an overwhelming majority in our poll think he's going to release them. i think he's making a calculation and a correct one releasing them -- seeing his tax returns isn't going to make anybody who wasn't going vote for him vote for him or vice-versa. it's an issue, a legitimate
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concern but it is not something that is going to change people's minds about donald trump. >> he's gotten this far without releasing them and got elected president and i think he doesn't see much reason to release for them at this point. >> does he file for an extension tomorrow which he's entitled to and he files for an extension because of the corporate consideration. >> it's all the other years. >> he can't claim audit for tomorrow. nobody's in audit for tomorrow's. >> the standard is every president and presidential candidate i think just about for the last 40 years has released not just one tax return but a whole series of them. again, he's made the calculation that it's not hurting him. there is nobody out there whose vote on whether they're going to re-elect donald trump or not is based on seeing his tax return. >> what's in them, kevin, you'd be interested in seeing?
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>> i think in terms of this is financial wronglings all throughout the world, that's when things get interesting or whether or not his own foreign policy has influence in terms of his financial dealings throughout the world, particularly europe and he is facing questions on capitol hill, bipartisan questions, mind you, about russia. i think there are several questions that remain to be unanswered. clearly again, most recently in the past couple of weeks, we've see him go head-to-head with moscow. >> i'd like to see if he's as rich as he says he is? >> it wouldn't show his net worth necessarily. >> and give you a sense of debt. >> he's admitted to writing off a lot of debt over the years. >> rosie, why doesn't he want to release the logs of the people coming and going? >> if you believe sean spicer
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it's to protect those coming to the white house. >> we could stand out and look. >> and suggesting at all the entrances there should be a pool reporter to see who's coming and going. >> usually people want to brag about going to the white house and not trying to keep it secret. >> this one i think. the tax returns stick as well. this matters. this is the president of the united states and the people's white house and people deserve to know who is visiting the president. >> it came into the news during the clinton years, campaign finance scandals of '96 and '97. because the white house was pressured t release those logs, we learned a lot who was showing up and a lot who was raising money. >> how about mar-a-lago? do we get those logs? do they fall under the same?
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>> mar-a-lago is not a government building. >> he's seeing people, the president of china. >> they call it the southern white house also. >> the prime minister of japan. >> all you have to do, greta is join mar-a-lago. apparently all the club members get to see everything. >> kevin, is he feeling -- the white house feeling any of this heat or like karen says he's so secure in his position no one will change it? >> we haven't heard 100 days yet. this talk of special elections might be a little premature but i think it's planting seeds heading into the 2018 elections democrats will see. you can file a freedom of information request to see who their government affairs office is meeting on capitol hill. >> while i was gone this trump tweet i read today. the fake media, not real media has gotten even worse since the
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election. every story is badly slanted. we have to hold them to the truth. >> was that this morning he tweeted that? >> i think so. i downloaded all his tweets. >> you read the "washington post" and "new york times" and the tweets. >> i was watching fox&friends this morning and were doing a segment about media bias while he tweeted that. the show he watches. >> i'll stay out of that one. i'll stay out of that discussion. thank you all very much and we'll see if we get those visitor logs or tax returns. i would not suggest anyone hold his or her breath until we get them. ahead, will there be criminal charges in prince's death. new court documents repeal pills found all over his house. ho! ( ♪ ) it's off to work we go! woman: on the gulf coast, new exxonmobil projects are expected to create over 45,000 jobs. and each job created by the energy industry supports two others in the community.
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fentanyl. they found prescription drugs all over his home even though he did not have a prescription. the investigation is wide open. >> reporter: the newly revealed details is a troubling find inside paisley park. powerful drugs for which he had no prescriptions inside his home some labelled vitamins and aspirin. detectives recovering a suitcase next to prince's bead with his alias, peter bravestrong, inside a powerful opioid and hit lyrics for "you got the look. he was found inside his mansion a year ago this week, killed by an accident at overdose by the powerful painkiller fentanyl, a mystery where he obtained these drugs and many others found in their home. >> once they start mixing
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different types of medication, that's when things go south. >> reporter: with court documents saying some medications were prescribed by long-time friend kirk johnson, the former drummer said he was unaware he was addicted to pay in medication. but a rehab said he contacted them because he was struggling with opioid abuse. >> authorities say there was prescription abuse and following the sourcing, where did that all come from? >> tonight, in the death that shocked the world, still no criminal charges and investigation that is far from over. miguel almaguer, nbc news, new york. a former prosecutor and msnbc legal analyst, who should be looking to get a lawyer tonight? >> kirk johnson, who's already lawyered up from what we know and the family doctor met with prince on two occasions and
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prescribed the oxycodone knowingly in johnson's name and anybody who might have enabled prince in his opioid addiction. it was no secret to >> and certainly for -- >> and obviously can't get this one over the phone, so somebody and -- well, i guess, then that's fair, if it's in his name medical condition. and knows whose prince. and himself brought them in.
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>> and frankly your ear right, if prince showed up at your local wall greens, i think people would have known what the heck was going on. prince didn't like to use a cell phone. he used e-mail and so they have done an investigation with a search warrant with the assistance of dea to look at the e-mails to see with whom was he communicating to further and assist him in his addiction, we all know and remember conrad murray, who was michael jackson's doctor, he was prosecuted for voluntary manslaughter, minnesota has the exact type of statute, conrad murray got four years in prison back in 2011 and i'm wonder whether or not they're looking with that statute in mind to see if maybe somebody helped prince basically kill himself by way of an overdose on feidrugs. >> every time i look online, there's some community that's poison by the amount of, you know, drug addiction for the
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opioid crisis. you have people and somebody like prince who has the resources to be able to fuel a drug addiction and it's clearly effecting everybody in the united states in certain pockets of the communities. i think it's great this is bringing awareness that maybe this type of abuse has happening, again, it's a tragedy, a very talented man who had been doing a concert when he had fallen ill and shortly there after he died. >> there's so many people that were addicted to these drugs, we were reading about it every single day in different communities. it's destroying communities and families, their marriage is falling apart. it's incredible. >> there's an increased awareness now that is something that president trump is actually trying to promote and we know that especially in florida, we have our own problems as well and we're trying to prosecute it and bring in the people that are feeding this problem. >> anyone who touched this, having to do with prince might want to get a lawyer tonight
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because aiding and abetting is quite -- if there's a criminal act and help in any way they're in big trouble tonight. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> coming up, i was not here thursday and friday, but i have thursday and friday, but i have a very good explanation, that'sr
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next. i have something to say for the record, you may think i look tired tonight, well, i am. i have jet lag. do not feel bad for me not for one second because i am so
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fortunate. i'm just tired i have jet lag, that's insignificant. but something else is not and it's under reported. the persecution of christians in northern iraq. now, i took advantage of my easter vacation to go to iraq forever in frak lynn graham and my husband john. we left thursday and flew to war sooen northern iraq. we went to mosul, a city iraqi forces are gaining. that far is far from over. on saturday we were in eastern mosul, a few hours isis were using chlorine gas. we learned that information after we left the area. now, isis has slaughtered so many innocent people in around the mosul area which use to have many christian villages, some as large as 50,000, they're now ghost town. isis killed or threatened the christians for being christians and those who survived while isis seized their homes and looted everything in site to make ieds to name and kill.
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this is a catholic church isis burned and destroyed. isis marked the church wall with its ugly similar billion. they burned in the fire pit they created in church courtyard. the mosul area remains extremely dangerous as isis continues to terrorized anyone trapped there. in december in a short distance, samaritans first built a fuel hospital. that fuelled hospital has an er, an icu and operating theater. the first medical team is not only extremely brave, but each is a big heart caring for victim after victim, many adults and children don't even survive their catastrophic injuries, it's not uncommon for isis to shoot children in the back of the head as they run for their lives. it's not uncommon for with limbs blown off have stepped on ied or picked up isis bob bitrapped toy.
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more than a million christians have fled the area since isis showed up, some to local refugee camps, their refugees are absolutely nothing. they're about 50 miles from mosul where they continue to practice their fate. yesterday on eastern sunday reverend graham took us to a christian service where we retreated to special easter performance by these children, sweet, aren't they. why did i use my eastern vacation to go to war zone. from time to time, i think it's important for me to get out of the comfort zone of my studio, it makes me a better journalist to see this with my own eyes. this is an important and neglected story. it's important i use my platform to get you the news and there is nothing fake about what is going on in northern iraq right now. thank you for watching. i'll see you back here tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m. if you can't watch live, set your dvr and follow me on twitter or check out my facebook page of photo and video behind the scene
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videos, i put a whole lot of video, i did a facebook live from the field hpital in iraq. it's posted there. e video is posted there. go check it out. it really is unimaginable what's going on there. hard ball with chris matthews starts right now. >> trump to camp, got to behave, let's play hardball. good evening i'm chris matthews and washington the trump white house is responding to the threat from north korea by attacking barack obama for the crisis. and just hours after north korea's failed missile launch this week, vice president mike pence toured the dnc between north and south korea, he warned the regime that all options are now on the table. >> as the president has made very clear, either china will deal with this problem or the united state


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